RIGOL Software Tools & -support

Neu: Ultra Power Analyzer Software

- Supports RIGOL DS4000, MSO4000 and DS2000 series
- Auto calibration if channel delay
- Power quality analysis
- Current harmonics analysis
- Inrush current analysis
- Safe operating area analysis
- Modulation analysis
- Output analysis
- Working modes Off Line and On Line

RIGOL Ultra Power Analyzer is a software application of the RIGOL DS4000 series, MSO4000 series and DS2000 series Digital/Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes. It can be used to analyze the Switch-Mode Power Supply (SMPS). This application can be run on Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 operating systems.

Mehr >>>> Datenblatt Ultra Power Analyzer Software [660 KB]

Rigol PC Software -Tools and -Support

Welche RIGOL Software ist erforderlich und wie installiert man die Software Tools korrekt?

Anleitung zur Installation: How to Install Software Tools [551 KB]

Hier finden Sie detaillierte Beschreibungen über die erhältlichen Software Anwendungen zu den RIGOL Instrumenten

Overview Software Applications.......Overview-software-applications.pdf [374 KB]

Ultra Power....................................datasheet_ultra-power-en.pdf [265 KB]

Ultra View......................................datasheet_ultra-view.pdf [205 KB]

UltraPowerAnalyzer.........................datasheet_ultrapoweranalyzer-en.pdf [660 KB]

UltraScope......................................datasheet_ultrascope_en.pdf [546 KB]

UltraSensor.....................................datasheet_ultrasensor-en.pdf [457 KB]

UltraSpectrum.................................datasheet_ultraspectrum-en.pdf [497 KB]

UltraStation.....................................datasheet_ultrastation-en.pdf [413 KB]

Rigol PC Software support

Many of you still know about, but during our last "new product meeting" we also discussed the PC software tools, which are more and more important if we compete against other brands.
Attached you find a short description of each tool and also a link to Mathworks, where they listed the supported Rigol products with Matlab.
Please find below link to Matlab with information about communication with our instruments.


We have also LabView support, you have to install UltraSigma and the VISA driver. Many of our customer using LabView.
Please find more information and examples on our web site: http://www.rigol.eu/applications/

The implementation of DG1000Z into UltraStation and DS1000Z into UltraScope will take some time, we will let you know soon.